Identifying ways to reduce the cost of green hydrogen
Case study: HyCoRe
- Project reference: 10079341
- Project partner: ARUP, Carbon Trust, Kinewell Energy, Lhyfe, National Gas, Newcastle University, Northern Powergrid, OREC and UNASYS
- Project status: Complete
- Overall project value: £593,133.00
- Innovation theme: Whole Energy Systems
Identifying ways to reduce the cost of green hydrogen
The transition to net zero will require huge upfront investment, and a key focus area for us is identifying how we can develop reliable sources of green energy at the lowest possible cost for customers.
We’re exploring the role hydrogen can play in reducing this initial investment, and our SIF-funded Hydrogen Cost Reduction (HyCoRe) project has helped us to understand the current cost of hydrogen production, and the ways we can bring those costs down using renewable energy.
We’ve examined the best way of using excess wind from offshore windfarms to generate green hydrogen, determined the optimal UK locations for green hydrogen production facilities and scrutinised how assets in those areas could be utilised to provide best value.
David Lynch Future Energy Strategy Manager at NGN
“HyCoRe has generated a huge amount of evidence and intelligence to help us drive down the cost of green hydrogen production, whilst also demonstrating how hydrogen can be integrated into the existing energy network to help reduce the capital expenditure required to support the transition to net zero in 2050.
We have completed the Discovery and Alpha phases of the project and established the areas most suited to green hydrogen production. Our consortium is currently working to continue this programme with the intention of submitting a future project proposal through SIF.”
Key benefits:
- Identified the optimal locations and configurations for on-and-offshore hydrogen development, which will reduce the cost of green hydrogen production
- Established how existing regulatory and licencing frameworks need to be amended to enable green hydrogen production
- Gained valuable insights into supply chain markets, which will enable us to effectively forward plan the development of green hydrogen production systems