We are Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England. We keep 2.9 million homes and businesses cooking on gas, through our vast underground pipe network.

About us
We are committed to providing a safe, reliable and great value service to our customers and stakeholders, while developing new technologies to deliver forms of low carbon energy, such as hydrogen, to support a greener future. Innovation underpins everything we do – whether we are replacing pipes, fixing leaks, developing low carbon energy solutions or supporting our most vulnerable customers.
heating 2.9 million homes in our region
By thinking differently, listening to our colleagues and stakeholders, working closely with our partners and considering our communities, we are pushing the boundaries of what a utility company is capable of.
About this document
This document provides a summary of our annual performance against our key Environmental Action Plan commitments.
Full details of our performance can be found in our 2022/23 Annual Environmental Report. Currently we are on track or ahead with 20 of our 27 commitments.
Want to know more about our long term sustainability plans? See our People and Planet Strategy
A regulated business
Like other gas distribution networks in Great Britain, NGN is a regulated business and operates under a licence issued by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).
Allowed revenues for NGN, including for environmental protection, decarbonisation and adaptation to climate change, are currently set by Ofgem in periodic price reviews and require submission of a detailed business plan.
Between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2026 we are operating under the RIIO-Gas Distribution 2 (‘RIIO-2’).
Northern Gas Networks Dream Statement
Keeping our customers safe and warm, our colleagues healthy and inspired, and delivering outstanding, sustainable value, ensuring that we lead the way in establishing a fairer, greener future for all Northern communities.