Thank you
Thank you again to those of you that joined us for our Northern Gas Networks & Partners – Supporting Communities Together Event, in Huddersfield.
The NGN Vulnerability Team thoroughly enjoyed seeing you all again. We had over 50 attendees on the day and the overall satisfaction score for the event was 8.7/10. Attendees included our community / Strategic Partners, who showcased some of their Vulnerability & Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA) projects, as well as projects from Innovation partners.
Stalls were hosted by The Chestnut Centre, who are one of our Centre for Warmth partners, The Carents Room, Northern Powergrid and a stall hosted by NSPCC, who are one of our VCMA GDN collaborative project partners. This is to name but a few, please see Appendix 1 for a full list of stall holders and Project Summaries.
NGN colleagues also participated in the event, showcasing some of the internal support provided by our business. This presented a great opportunity for them to be able to see first-hand, some of the projects we’re supporting to help the most vulnerable in our communities.
This included the One Number (repair, replacement, and servicing of appliances, after a gas emergency intervention) and Services Beyond the Meter projects, which are both funded through VCMA and are evolving into business-as-usual activities. It was also a fantastic opportunity for some of our senior leaders, to meet the partners within their geographical locations.